How to Play

Housie Math Fantasy is innovative calculative board game with arithmetic calculations.

The ticket needs to be purchased to play the game. The ticket contains 15 digits number range in between from 1 to 90. User can shuffle own ticket digits before buying ticket. The numbers announced by computer (RNG) randomly from range -8 to 99 and will be displayed on top of the Game Play Area for each game.

To get the ticket numbers, users have to make addition or subtraction from Announced Number. Addition or subtraction are randomly decide and in between range from +1 to +9 or -1 to -9 and inform prior before game start. The first person who does winning combination in particular gaming categories like Any line, Full Ticket, Early13, 6 corners wins the game.

Arithmetic calculations instructions has been populated for 10 sec before game play.

“ Do +2 in Each announcement number to get your number for marking in ticket”

“ Do -3 in Each announcement number to get your number for marking in ticket”

For example-

  • The announcement number displays 25 and the Prior announced before game play “ Do +3 in Each announcement number to get your number for marking in ticket”, the number eligible to be strike off/mark is 28 (25 +3) in case the same is present on the ticket of any user/ player.
  • The announcement number displays 40 and the Prior announced before game play “ Do -5 in Each announcement number to get your number for marking in ticket”, the number eligible to be strike off/mark is 35 (40 -5) in case the same is present on the ticket of any user/ player.

1. Public Games: You can join any existing public Rooms and compete with the real players online.

2. Private Games: You can create your own private room by deciding the category and amount in the New game tab; then invite players to join the group. You can join other private games by entering code in Join game tab, which has been received by you from your friends.

In this Housie Math Fantasy, players do not have to claim the win. RNG software continuously detect the strike out/ mark numbers combination done by players in its own ticket, one who strike the successful combination first will declare winner of that particular game. Players have to calculative skill, engage, focus and agile for strike out/mark numbers on the ticket. There is no second prize.

One of the concerns in online games is the guarantee of fair game play. To assure the integrity of number games, the trusted Random Number Generator (RNG) is always used to determine the numbers that are given and announced in each game. In each game, RNG is utilized to ensure compliance with all required standards.

The Housie Math Fantasy game is available for Android and web users. Android users can download the game from the website, while others Android ,iOS ,Web users can also play games directly on its web browser from

The Housie.Live is available with two language options English & Hindi.


At present there are 4 categories and each category have 10 different rooms size. Players join any of the rooms, after buying ticket from wallet will play the game.

Players can buy up to 1-3 tickets for each game. Players can replace the ticket with any other by clicking the refresh button. After the tickets are purchased, the player enters the room for the game.

This App deduct 10% amount of ticket which has been purchased in the game play , for operational and maintenance of platform and rest accumulated should be Prize money.

The winner of games is the one who marks the resulted numbers on any of the ticket first. If the player does not strike off / mark the resulted number in its ticket during given time, app will block (exclude) the resulted number. In such event the user fails to strike off / mark the resulted number, the App or will not be responsible for the user losing the game.

Winner prize will be accumulated in winning player’s wallet just after finish that particular game. Player can withdrawal winner amount from Housie Math Fantasy wallet to its bank account.

1) Any Line

In Any line category there are three possibility to win the prize . You have to fulfilled any one line out three to win the award. That who has successful fulfilled must be decaled as winner.

Top Line: The ticket that has all the 5 numbers of the top horizontal line strike out/mark first wins the prize.

Middle Line: The ticket that has all the 5 numbers of the middle horizontal line strike out/mark first wins the prize.

Bottom Line: The ticket that has all the 5 numbers of the bottom horizontal line strike out/mark wins the prize.

2)Full ticket:

The ticket has all 15 numbers strike out/mark first on the ticket wins the prize.

3)Early 13:

The ticket that has the any 13 numbers strike out/mark first on the ticket wins the prize.

4)6 Corners:

The ticket that has the leftmost and rightmost numbers of the top, middle and bottom lines strike out/mark first wins the prize.

Once the App select the winner, it will immediately close the game and announce name of the winner with winning ticket.

If one user tries to buy ticket during a running game then the ticket will be valid for the next game and not the current running game.